Thursday, August 03, 2006

Propoganda now

It's official! In an investigative piece, the Wall Street Journal looked behind the 73,000 downloads of this YouTube short, and found a public relations firm with links to Exxon.

Here are a snippet of comments posted by viewers today:

fortyfourprimer (47 minutes ago)
Hard to imagine being either young naive or maybe just plain dumb to actually think Exxon or some conspiracy would bother with Owlgore bunk. But then desperation does odd things
chesterdog5 (46 minutes ago)
Busted!! Turns out, the creators of this video, while posing as amateur spoofers, actually work for a Washington lobbying firm whose clients include Exxon. (see Wall Street Journal, 8/3)
KevinDeanNicewanger (45 minutes ago)
Was this a satire of Al Gore or of climate change deniers? The quality is so poor, the jokes so lazy, it's like they're spoofing themselves. That picture of David Spade and Heather Locklear was funny though.
casunray (44 minutes ago)
Is the Wall Street Journal article correct? Is an ExxonMobil pr firm behind this?
KevinDeanNicewanger (44 minutes ago)
But criticism should be contructive, right? So how about a heat wave caused by the hot air eminating from Gore's speeches, a tidal wave caused by his beastly sweat (remember that post-election dance?). Gross, but funnier than telling someone to take a cold shower or "walk everywhere (no matter the distance)."
casunray (43 minutes ago)
chesterdog5 (42 minutes ago)
Actually, more people voted for Gore than Bush.
chesterdog5 (33 minutes ago)
Read the article in the Journal. Sneaky, how they tried to hide their involvement Or, call the DCI Group in Washington, (202) 546-4242. Ask them if they produced this video, or paid for it.
EarthEngineDOTnet (24 minutes ago)
To all those reading this blog, conservative or liberal. Please do not form your opinions from reading one conservative/liberal article. A true opinion takes time and research to form. Jumping the gun on your opinion proliferates propaganda and ultimately hurts us all. In the case of Global Warming, the evidence overwhelmingly points to the negative impact our lives have had on this planet and how it will effect future generations. cont...
EarthEngineDOTnet (19 minutes ago)
The blood of our future generations are on hands of those who fight to keep our population ignorant to the facts. I ask you all if you have any love, gratitude, just plain descency, please do all you can to enlighten those around you with the truth you have found through proper research. Thank you.

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