Saturday, June 24, 2006

Print reporters shoot 'em themselves

'Wash Post' Reporters Get Digital Video Cameras for Online, says Editor and Publisher. The Washingtonian reports how remarkably easy it has been to just "do it".

DV Guru adds:

"Newspaper reporters are starting to be outfitted with video cameras, hinting at journalism's further expanding into the multimedia realm. Reporters who have had no shooting experience are now juggling between jotting notes and taking video clips in the field. This journalist-shot video is now popping up online, with clips accompanying news articles. If anything, it's interesting to see how the individual reporter is now taking on the role of two or three people with the proliferation of widely available and cheap digital video technology. It also goes to show you just how much emphasis and importance is put on the moving image itself."

Finally, CBS news says, "With fewer people buying the dead-tree versions of newspapers and more turning to the Internet for news, it’s no surprise that newspaper Web sites are exploring all the options available on the Web to distribute their content -- just as television outlets have expanded into more written stories on their sites. So the question becomes … how much of a threat does video on newspapers' Web sites pose for television?"

This revolution will be televised!

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