AtomFilms Hi-Def
OK... enough of the podcasting stuff... what about high end distribution, theatre quality, all those high definition TVs? At the Steaming Media conference in San Jose, I got to talk with the folks at Maven Networks, who have a nifty player now available through Atom films. Try it. It will download some neat short films in the background while you are watching others. Microsoft is sponsoring this use of their wmv HD formats.
From the press release:
The films available on 'AtomFilms Hi-Def' represent the best of the renowned AtomFilms catalog of shorts. They range from one minute to thirty minutes in length; many boast film festival awards, Academy Award nominations, and involvement by well-known talent. In celebration of the 2004 Sundance Film Festival, this week's lineup includes the adrenaline-packed skiing short "Collins Brothers," and two hits from past Sundance Film Festivals ("Girl Go Boom" and "Venus Blue").
For brand advertisers, such as Nintendo and Microsoft WindowsXP Media Center, AtomFilms Hi-Def provides a unique interactive channel that delivers television-style advertisements even better than television does - offering high-quality playback, detailed usage tracking, and no ad-skipping or channel-changing. The commercials play prior to each film in the weekly line-up.
"We are at a crossroads in the evolution of digital entertainment," said AtomFilms founder Mika Salmi. "'AtomFilms Hi-Def' represents a giant leap forward, for audiences and advertisers alike. I'm pleased that through our partnership with Maven Networks we've made the viewing of movies online much more accessible and fun. Our audience is also privy to the immense power and impact of Microsoft's WMV HD and I am proud that we are the first to provide this glimpse into the future of high definition online films."
"Maven complements highly compelling user experiences with the software infrastructure needed to support a new generation of ad-driven video services and subscription-based business models," said Hilmi Ozguc, Maven Networks co-founder and CEO. "We are pleased to provide AtomFilms with the content management, production and delivery platform it needs to create groundbreaking services that offer movie fans an exceptional viewing experience and advertisers a branding medium that rivals television."
"AtomFilms is a pioneer in using WMV HD to enable the first online delivery of HD short film content to consumers." said Dave Fester, general manager of Microsoft's Windows Digital Media Division. "The quality of WMV HD means movie fans get a great experience, and the compression efficiency of WMV HD makes it the most cost-effective way of delivering HD content online."
'AtomFilms Hi-Def' is being showcased at this week's Sundance Film Festival, where the service premiered at Microsoft's party at 350 Main St. on January 19th (9pm-12am) In addition, throughout the week festival attendees will also be able to experience the new service and access past Sundance hits at Microsoft's Digital Center.
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