Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Deep tagging goes social... SceneMaker from Gotuit

Now we are getting some powerful new video services emerging that use "video sharing" sites for their source materials. SceneMaker lets users cut and tag clips on YouTube (and MetaCafe, for starters), and then email their friends about it. The hope is that viewers can jump to interesting segments inside videos.

They have a "video toolbar" which lets you snag videos as you watch them, and to bring them into SceneMaker. The Boston Glove reviewed the site, and reports:

"SceneMaker will be free to users, but Pascarella said Gotuit hopes to attract a lot of advertising revenue. He plans to link ads to the tags generated by users. For instance, someone who runs a search for "shuttle" could see an ad for science fiction books or vacation tours of the Kennedy Space Center.

"'It gives the marketers the ability to target the words,' said Pascarella."

Here's a snippet from their site:

What Can You Do With SceneMaker?

  • Bookmark or "Deep Tag" Scenes Found Inside Online Videos From YouTube and Metacafe

    Much like you can bookmark a single page on a website, SceneMaker lets you bookmark and "deep-tag" specific scenes inside online video. Use the Gotuit Toolbar to apply descriptive tags or keywords to any scene you want to save.

  • Share Only The Scenes In A Video You Want

    Has this ever happened to you? Someone sends you a link to watch something cool in an on-line video...but you have to sit through the entire video to see the good part? SceneMaker lets you bookmark scenes inside of a video and send just the good part. For example, you can tag and send just the 10 second crash for a 5 minute highway chase video. SceneMaker makes discovering and sharing the best online video even easier.

  • Embed The Individual Scenes on Your MySpace Page, Blog or Web Site

    If you are a blogger or writer, SceneMaker now makes adding video to your website much more relevant. You can now reference specific moments in a video and embed them to play within your web pages.

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