After years of enduring the quality levels offered by YouTube and other video sharing services, Vimeo has launched an HD service. Users can upload 1280x720 files from consumer HD cameras such as the Canon HV20 (it appears that Canon is sponsoring at least some part of the service). Hit the full screen button and enjoy the view. Note that the embedded file on this blog is in SD, while the files on the Vimeo site are in HD.
To upload my HD files, I prepared them as h.264 movies, with a bitrate around 1.5mbps, and audio at 48khz. The Apple TV settings in QuickTime and Visual Hub work nicely. They say they support DivX, AVI and other formats, but I haven't tested them.
There is a 250MB/week upload limit. I've got a couple of gripes: The file below doesn't seem to play in HD with the embedded player, and I don't know why. Also, the RSS feed generated by the service doesn't create media enclosures, so I can't use Vimeo as an origination point for iTunes or other podcatchers.
Mt Ritter in June 2007 from John Duhring on Vimeo.